
Papers in Refereed Journals

[1] BridgeCut: A New Algorithm for Balanced Partitioning of Signed Networks

Ehsani M., Mansouri R., ResearchSquare - Preprint

Inspired by the Girvan-Newman community detection algorithm, this paper presents a new approach, called BridgeCut, in which the negative edges, sorted by the betweenness measure, are determined in a constructive algorithm as the bridge set between the two parts.

Resulting partitioned structure of a real-world complex network by BridgeCut

Papers in Refereed Conferences

[3] A New Approach to Balanced Partitioning of Signed Networks

Ehsani M., Mansouri R., 14th International Conference of Iranian Operations Research Society (ICORS 2021) published

The early version of our 2022 paper (BridgeCut), this paper presents a new approach to partition an imbalanced signed network into two near-balanced sub-networks. We further supplemented the results of this work with additional investigations on some measures to evaluate signed links’ properties in relevance to their position and role in the whole structure of a network in the BridgeCut paper.